David Koff
2 min readFeb 9, 2022

I'm a Jew who loved your piece, Allison.

And, seen through the lens of an explosion of Antisemitism and anti-Jewish hate crimes around the world, it's an important article you've written because it lays bare how the Black experience in this country is now what the Jewish experiences in other mostly-white countries was historically, when Jews DID look, act, and dress differently in public.

In today's America, Jews like me can blend into society because I'm not an Orthodox Jew. I therefore DO benefit from white privilege, yes.


I'd suggest that this lack of nuance you mention isn't unique to Black people. Jews experience it as well. As does everyone. I believe that's due to American now being a highly polarized society. Polarization leads to much being incorrectly filtered through the binary lens of "This" or "That" with no other options available to the lazy or the uneducated.

People aren't willing to dig deeper, to invest time to study a topic, or to learn nuance. Maybe because it's FAR easier to be angry and blame someone or some group rather than to look inwards.

Do women, in general, and Black women, in particular, have a different and larger burden?!? Um, hells yes. No doubt about that.

And of COURSE Whoopi Goldberg wasn't being malicious in what she said. She made a mistake, that's all. But, in today's "cancel culture" ignorance is now a crime that must be punished.

The Right tries to cancel Nike, Keurig, Colin Capernick and more. The Left tries to cancel Whoopi, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and more.

Cancel culture prevents people from having the space and safety to learn from their mistakes.

As a Jew and someone who has inherited THOUSANDS of years of psychology from my own people being oppressed, enslaved, and mass murdered, I advocate for MUCH more nuance, education, and giving room for people to make mistakes and learn from them in a supportive environment.

Identifying and understanding my own White Privilege has taken time. I'm still learning. And I've made mistakes along the way. Unfortunately, those mistakes have not been always been received well from the Black community and the Progressive communities to which I've long belonged.

That's a damn shame.

Good for you, writing this piece. I've now followed you and hope to hear, read, and learn more from you.

David Koff

I’m a tech writer who focuses on digital privacy & security. Subscribe to my easy-to-read tech newsletter to learn more! https://www.technologytalk.net/